The dream school
Once upon a time, in a small city, there was a little boy named Henrique. He was very shy, but a smart child, and his secret dream was being one more kid in the kindergarten near his home.
He dreamed in studying (he thought he would "study" there), he wanted to learn quickly all the things of the world.
And the long-awaited day arrived... He was nervous. His mom helped him in the bath and chose a pretty outfit for his debut. His mother took him to carry out his secret dream.
The path was the same as his older brother had read to him from a marvellous book, full of dangers, with faboulous monsters every new step... They took forever to get to the castle, sorry, to the kindergarten gate.
His mother hugged him, kissed him on the forehead and said: "Go, my son. You will be happy here!"
a little child looks at the playground -
Where's the seesaw?
Primer día de escuela,
un niño mira en el parque -
¿Dónde, el sube y baja?
L'enfant à l'école,
il regarde la plaine de jeux -
Où est le tap-cul?
Criança na escola,
olhando para o parquinho -
Cadê a gangorra?
img at etsy
8 comentários:
how; well this tale is told; good haibun
much love...
Gillena Cox,
thanks for your reading and your words!
We should consider childrens' dreams and wishes. You wrote an example how these wishes are disregardet.
Times should change.
Best wishes
considero que você tenha razão. Grato pelas palavras.
Quero banana da prata, estou cansado da banana d'agua!!!!
na testa do blogue temos é a da prata.
Jardim de infância
entre o vai e vem da gangorra
mais um sonho secreto
De cor rubra-Pimenta
assim ia o menino Henrique
queria logo estudar
Caro poeta
Basho deve estar com saudade das bananas . Será que na época existia as de prata?
grato pelo diálogo!
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